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There are 3 options for you to update your Shop Mineola Business Listing.

The first option is the FREE Do-It-Yourself listing update.

Please read all instructions before you register and wait on our email with instructions before adding a business listing.
Before you can access your business listing or add a new one please Register HERE.  (Video Instructions Here) You will receive a verification email that you need to respond to for your account to become active. Instructions on how to update or add listing will be sent later.

If you have already registered you can Login HERE.      IMPORTANT!    Once you have setup and replied to the activation email for your account we will email you instructions for updating or adding your listing. Please wait for these instructions before adding or updating. If you already have a listing then we have to assign it to your account that you created when you registered. 

We are pleased to offer these free listings for the Mineola business community. Free has it's pluses and minuses, the plus being that it's free. The minus is that we can not offer free phone support for the site.
If you have any questions email us at info(at)